Saturday, June 13, 2015

I haven't updated this for years either. I don't intend on taking the time to do it now. Suffice it to say that after a nearly 4-year contract at Microsoft I am currently unattached and seeking a change of venue. Having to take a 6-month break in service should be motivation for me to get back to what I actually WANT to be doing and not treading water in an industry that I loathe.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Side bar updated

I added some links to training facilities.

[ISS does an annual 2-week training course in the US. Surveillance Ops is run by former FBI (and other) agents. BSR is another EP driving school... only a few miles away from EPI.]

Monday, February 13, 2012

Updates coming...


Within the next few weeks I "should" gin up enough time to move the EP RSS links & other relevant info from the Psychobastard blog to here. Then that blog will continue on personal items & this one will reflect the career path, training & processes of executive protection.

I may try to get permission to re-publish some articles from specific authors. I also realized when looking at the old blog that I never wrote the review on the Icon Celebrity\V.I.P. course. I might actually go through the classroom recordings as well as attempt to scratch my memory to see what I come up with. The review will be over a year old... (sheesh). I honestly thought that I'd written something up & posted it there back in February of 2011 only to realize that I'd never actually done anything but a quick-&-dirty review for CPW forums.